Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Year One

Each week the Year One children have an opportunity to to meet together and have  time for child initiated learning, building on the skills they used in reception as well as other activities that are geared towards their age range. At the same time the Year Two children meet for their age appropriate teaching and learning
As you are aware our topic in The Great Fire of London and last week we were asked by a child could we make some bread, just like Thomas Farrynor did. Today we did just that and each Year One child was able to join in the process and take home a bread roll.
Various children, mixed, kneaded, rolled and shaped the dough. It was left to rise and then cooked in the kitchen. The result was a large batch of golden bread rolls and unlike in 1666 we manage not to burn down any buildings!
Other activities and a great games can be found here  and here and if you do a search for the topic you can find lots more. Don't forget to visit The Museum of London or climb The Monument and bring in any photos.


  1. That looks like fun. We will have to try it at home because the bread was very tasty.

  2. Glad you fared better than in Pudding Lane!
