Friday, 28 April 2017
This week in Nursery we have .....
juiced, collected sticks for a Three Little Pigs display and run the Daily Mile with the whole school.....and lots of other things too!
Thursday, 27 April 2017
KS1 had a great time taking part in dance workshops run by Springs dance company. In preparation each class read "You Are Special" and got to know the story of Punchinello and the Wemmicks. During the sessions the children were able to
interpret the story, through dance moves, both alone and in pairs. It was lots of fun and everyone enjoyed it.
RE Dance Workshop
Today, McGough Class had a dance workshop with Springs Dance Company. We performed a dance which was themed around 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.'
We used the story to make links between Jesus sacrificing himself for us as Aslan did in the story.
RE dance workshops
Today, Lewis Class had a dance workshop with Springs Dance Company. We performed a dance which was themed around 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.'
We used the story to make links between Jesus sacrificing himself for us as Aslan did in the story.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Stone Age Bag
Sewing is one of the oldest of the textile arts, arising from the Palaeolithic era. Before the invention of spinning yarn or weaving fabric, archaeologists believe Stone Age people across Europe and Asia sewed fur and skin clothing using bone, antler or ivory needles and thread made of various animal body parts.As part of our Topic, we sewed Stone Age bags. We designed our bags, practised various stitches and made our bags. Look at what we produced.

Reading is child’s play thanks to new £10,000 school library
On Monday
, Christ Church School celebrated the official opening of its newly refurbished library.
The Mayor of Ware, local c
hildren’s author Alice Hemming, pupils, staff, the School PSA,
School Governors and
the Vicar of Christ Church
all there for the official opening.
During the ceremony, the pupils gathered together for a whole school assembly, led by author Alice Hemming. Alice spoke to the children about her love of reading and writing
stories and shared her own book,
Bibble and the Bubbles.
Alice Hemming donated a collection of her books to the school.
Alice signed the books
The school PSA, supported by parents, raised thousands of pounds to refurbish the new library and members of the whole school community got st
uck in themselves, painting, decorating and doing whatever was needed to finish the £10,000 project.
Part of the team that made this project possible.
Year 6 pupil Natasha
said: "It was so exciting to see the library opening; everyone was clapping when the m
ayor cut the ribbon. We can’t wait to start enjoying all the
Alice Hemming with the plaque which thanks the PSA and the whole Christ Church community for all of their hard work.
Nursery 24.4.17
This week we have had a pirate theme....
And we will continue with this next week.
Number work
We squeezed some lemons, limes and oranges and had a taste!
We also had the lovely author Alice Hemming in the nursery. She read us a story and we did a bit of acting!
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