Years 5 and 6 have come back to school ready for another year. A big 'welcome' goes to the new children (and their families) who have started in Tolkien and Shakespeare classes: you seem to be settling in very well. With SATs only 8 months away, it'll be a busy year for Year 6, but we're sure the children will approach this time with their usual positivity, cheerfulness, commitment and hard work. Year 6 also have the extra responsibilities this year of being house captains, reception buddies, play buddies, Maths Mentors and carrying out jobs around the school. So far they have taken their responsibilities very seriously and are being excellent role models to the younger children of the school.
"I am enjoying Year 6 so far. I like the responsibility of being a house captain. I am especially looking forward to going to Kingswood later on in the year." S.
Hope their all having fun in Year6 and It's not that easy To keep up with the jobs but i bet their doing better than us! x