Mrs Shaw came to school to tell the Year 1 children about life as a French child. She told them about growing up in France, going to school in France and about the stories of La Fountaine.
The children asked her lots of interesting questions and were surprised to learn that lots of the stories French children read are the same as our own. They did not expect to hear that Snow White, Cinderella and Rapunzel are known in other countries!
Mrs Shaw explained how every French child learns to recite some of La Fountaine's tales and then stands and performs this to the rest of their class. Our Year 1 children were quite glad they did not have to do this.
Thank you Mrs Shaw for coming in and sharing some of your culture with us.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Friday, 15 February 2013
Ware a Hat Day
For the second year running the staff and pupils of Christ Church school joined with others in the area and wore a hat for the day.
We did this to raise funds for the Amy Wallace Magpie Trust. Amy was a local girl would loved life, but tragically had hers was cut short by Leukaemia.
Mrs Phipps knew Amy, and her family, and introduced the charity to us. The trust aims to grant wishes for terminally ill children and we played our part in this, by the simple act of wearing a hat. Why a hat? No other reason than because those who need to undertake chemotherapy often lose their hair and so wear a hat.
The children and staff thank Mrs Phipps for introducing us to this worthy charity and were glad to be able to play a small part in helping others.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Chinese new year
Carle Class have been learning about the Chinese New Year. It is the year of the snake.
We had great fun making are own dragons, lanterns and snakes.

We even made up a dragon dance. We worked together in small groups and danced the dragon around the hall to Chinese music.
We had great fun making are own dragons, lanterns and snakes.

We even made up a dragon dance. We worked together in small groups and danced the dragon around the hall to Chinese music.
Happy Chinese New year!
Friday, 8 February 2013
Christ Church v Morgan's
Morgan's took the first centre, but our defence fought back and got the ball up to our end, where our GS Kasey scored the first goal of the match. Lottie took the centre which lead to a goal by our GA Annabelle. The half ended Morgan's 0 and Christ Church 2.
Aspen came on as GS and Jade as WA. Morgan's took the first goal of the half, but with our brilliant GK Hollie and GD Emily, we soon came back and a great goal by Annabelle finished the game 4-1 to Christ Church.
By Kasey and Lottie
World War Two role play activity
The children (and adults) in year 3 and 4 revelled in the opportunity to take part in some World War Two role play this week!
The teachers let off an air raid siren which the children knew meant they had to grab their gas mask box and evacuate the building to the school’s ‘air raid shelter’. From there we pretended a German bomber had dropped a bomb near the school causing some damage!?
The children then chose a role that would be needed: fire-fighters, medical staff, news reporters, parents, children and ARP wardens.
As we returned to the classroom we gasped in horror at the destruction the bomb had caused. There were upturned tables, turned over chairs, ‘cracks in the windows’, ‘fires’ as well as several casualties lying on the floor! The children immediately went into their WWII character to deal with the situation.
This was not only a fun activity but also gave the children a great stimulus for their newspaper articles that we have been writing in literacy. It also started to give them some idea of what it might have been like in WWII which is our topic this term.
A great time was had by all! All the children wanted to take part in the role play activity again, trying out a different role!
Photos to follow!
Photos to follow!
Fun maths
During Golden Time this afternoon, KS2 enjoyed the opportunity to take part in some fun maths games.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Our school value in January was perseverance, so within the year 3 and 4 team, we have been thinking about this value in greater detail during our PSHE lessons.

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