Friday, 20 July 2012

McKee class 2011-2012

Back in September 2011 this motley crew (and three others) joined McKee class. Over the year they have moved from group to group -  Mr Benn, Toucan, Bernard or Elmer. They have worked with all sorts of learning partner pairings, have had year 6 buddies and reading buddies from year 5 and then years 3/4.

Penguins featured in our curriculum for a long time and we even adopted one, we walked in the woods, grew all sorts of things, have entered Ware in Bloom, won some buggy buddies and danced on stage at Chauncy. The children went on a bus, watched The Great Bed of Ware arrive, visited the Museum, held an Art exhibition and celebrated the jubilee. They have played in the snow, the rain, the wind and the sun. They have got wet, muddy, paint splattered,  and have have been sent to wash their hands more times than they care to remember.

When asked for their favourite activity in Mckee class and what they wanted to do more of in Year 1 the answers included all of the above and many many more things and to sum up I will use Olivia's words - "I looked on the blog and have learnt so much. It was fun". Olivia, I agree with you and look forward to more of the same next year when I join some of you in Year 1 in Hargreaves class.

Many thanks for all the lovely gifts you gave to me today and the cards filled with such lovely messages. I have really enjoyed teaching McKee this year and thank you for all your support along the way.

Mrs Matthews


  1. McKee class have had a brilliant and very busy year and we have enjoyed being part of it. We will miss you Mrs Matthews!

  2. What a wonderful year it has been thank you Mrs Matthews.

  3. Mrs Matthews, I have followed your blog with excitement and interest. School has been such a positive experience for my grand-daughter and reading your blog meant that everytime I saw her or spoke on the phone we were able to talk about her week. Thank you so much for caring enough to help her learn whilst enjoying her childhood - just what school should be, but vfor alos letting us share your classroom. it has been almost as good as being there.
