Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Foundation stage Christmas party

Father Christmas
giving a gift

Today McKee, Carle and Inkpen celebrated Christmas with a party. It started with all the reception children gathering together to eat their party packed lunches in the hall accompanied by Christmas music.

After everyone had finished, some of the staff took the children outside to play, whilst the others cleared the hall and got ready for Mr Tickle. Unfortunately he was very tired and so fell asleep and the foundation stage children had to go against their natural instincts and shout to wake him up, they seemed to manage it very easily! It took him a while to see us and sit down.The children very much enjoyed his slapstick humour, silly jokes and falling over.

He then entertained us with a magic show and amongst other things got the children to draw a picture of Miss Morris who is a student working in Carle class at present. He told Mrs Matthews off for saying it was a good drawing (it did not look much like Miss Morris but I still thought it was a brilliant drawing!) and he made the eyes and mouth on the picture move.

Mr Tickle
Two children helped him fill a cup with water that  was pumped from Owen's fingers and he then tested whether we had been good or naughty by tipping it over our heads. There were some very worried faces at this point, but rest assured none of the children got wet, but, Oh dear Vicky (the nursery student) what more can we say?

A quick drink and snack
After this Mckee and Carle returned to their classrooms for a drink and snack, whilst Inkpen shared some food in the nursery.They stayed eating whilst the older children returned to the hall and welcomed Father Christmas. He gave out gifts to all of the children and then chatted to some whilst he waited for Inkpen, who soon arrived and received their presents.

Everyone felt it was a success and the children went home happily telling their adults about their afternoon. Archie was surprised that Father Christmas knew what his favourite colour was and Hollie was excited he commented on her Christmassy name.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for organising the party! Father Christmas told Amy to put her present under the tree and leave it 'til Christmas day and she did just that!
