Friday, 25 November 2011

McKee class assembly

This morning McKee class invited their families to share their assembly and join us back in the classroom afterwards. 

McKee explained the six areas of learning, in the foundation stage, and showed some of the things they do on a daily basis such as singing, phonics, being creative, numbers, experimenting and of course they also mentioned they enjoy helping write this blog.

The class have written a little bit about their day and what they enjoyed. This is what they said:

G, G, R, O, E, M, Z, A, N - We liked singing a lot.
J, A ,D, O, E- We enjoyed holding our mask up best.
M - I liked holding my model up.
H, E, D - Holding up our pictures was best.
R - Sitting on the bench and watching myself!
L - Saying my words was fun.
A - I loved doing the phonics.

After this, they said, they enjoyed sharing the outside area and the book corner with their grown ups, making a Rapunzel bookmark, making a clock, colouring the pictures, playing with the Lego  with Mummy and Daddy and reading stories.

Several of the parents commented that they had enjoyed seeing what the school day was like for their child and how it was lovely to see the children showing how independent they can be (and yes they do usually wash up their own paint pots and brushes!).

Thank you for sharing the morning with us and we hope you enjoyed it and had fun, as well as learning a lot.


  1. I loved the assembly and it was great to see what happens in the classroom each day. Well done MCKEE class

  2. I thought your assembly was fabulous, well done Mckee. Mrs Vaughan

  3. We enjoyed the assembly and thought the children spoke confidently and clearly. They obviously knew what they were doing. Great work all!
