Around 200 children attended the PSA Disco on Friday evening. There were 2 sessions, one for KS1 & foundation another for KS2.
Fred said "The best bits were the action songs like the Macarena and the conga." He also enjoyed being with his friends and the way all the glo bands looked in the dark.
All the children seemed to have good fun and looked great in their disco outfits.
One of the mums on the PSA, who shall remain nameless, was enjoying strutting her stuff much to the amusement of the rest of us.
Several parents, when they collected their children, commented on how loud the music was, we must all be getting old!
Thank you Mrs D'Arcy for this review. (Mrs D'Arcy is a school MSA, LSA and on the PSA!) This Disco raised an amazing £500. Well done all and thank you.
£500 would be amazing but it raised £600!