This week the reception children stayed to lunch. They joined the rest of the school in the dining room to either eat their own packed lunch from home or a meal prepared in our kitchen.
On four of the days the children were escorted from the classroom by a "buddy". Their buddy was a year 6 child who then helped them get the correct lunch, find a space to sit, encouraged them to eat and finally took them back to the reception outdoor area to play.
However, on Wednesday, the children had invited their parents to join them and to sample a school meal. This proved a popular invite and soon the dining room was full of adults and children.
When asked afterwards, the children's assessment of the meal was that "The Daddies ate very quickly, the children were the best behaved and the Mummies were very chatty". Oh yes, they also enjoyed their roast beef and Yorkshire pudding!
An example menu |
Please remember to fill in your green dinner slip and return it to school each Monday. Option A is a hot meal, option B a vegetarian meal and option C is a packed lunch provided by our kitchen. If you bring your own packed lunch from home either put a cross in each box or don't return the form. Thank you.