A taste of what we got up to today. Photos and the children's thoughts to follow.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Y6 – District Tag Rugby
On Wednesday 24th April the District Tag Rugby
tournament for years 5 and 6 was held at Hertford Rugby Club. In contrast with
previous years the weather was warm and sunny - this is possibly a first for
this tournament.
The Y6 team had seven games in total, with the games being
nine-a-side and 10 minutes each. Christchurch brought a squad of 14 to the
The children represented the school admirably, scoring some
excellent team tries with the ball being passed around nearly the whole team
before a successful score, coupled with some dazzling individual tries. With
some strong opposition, Y6 fought through to finish 7th overall.
Many thanks to the referees and organisers who put on a
splendid event. We wish Morgans and Abel Smith the best of luck as they go on to
represent the district at the County competition.
**Thank you Mr Marlow who accompanied the year 6 team members
and wrote this blog article**
Sunday, 14 April 2013
All the staff in KS1 hope that the children in Potter, Butterworth and Hargreaves had an enjoyable Easter holiday.
We look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 16th April and ready to start our new topic, which is all about the circus.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Bug Club
...is back up and running. I have been able to log into my class account
and my daughter into her pupil account.
Happy Reading!
Friday, 5 April 2013
Latest from Bug Club
We’re sorry that Bug Club continues to be unavailable while we undertake some essential updates to our servers. We are working as fast as we can to make these updates, and hope to have the service up-and-running again during week beginning 8 April.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience we know this is causing. We will be in touch again next week, and will let you know as soon as Bug Club is available again.
Kind Regards
Pearson Digital Support
Pearson Education Ltd (UK Schools)
Big Maths in KS1
After Easter we will be starting a new BIG MATHS…BEAT THAT challenge. As
you know, Big Maths was new to us this half term, which is why we have spent
the last 5 weeks catching up with the Reception “learn its” in Year 1 and the
Year 1 “learn its” in Year 2. This has enabled most of the
children to learn these sets of number facts and to feel a sense of
success in their first half term of the BEAT THAT! challenges.
We will now spend the summer term using the age appropriate “learn its” to ensure the children get
the opportunity to learn these before moving on in September. In Year 1 there
are 17 of these and the children will have 30 seconds to answer the questions
and in Year 2 there are 40 and the children will have 90 seconds to answer. We
will be looking for accurate answers, as well as correctly formed and
orientated numbers.
Please try to help your child learn a few new facts each week, in
addition to any other maths homework, this will support them with their
challenges and help to beat their own best score each and every week. We will
also be focusing on a selection each week in class.
The actual day of the challenge may vary from class to class. This is
due to each class having a different arrangement of staff and because each,
also, has timetabled slots elsewhere in the school (P.E, Library, ICT etc).
Occasionally it might be necessary for the weekly challenge take place on a
different day, depending on what else is taking place in school/class that week.
Year 2 - 90 seconds |
When the children can answer all questions correctly in the given time, the next challenge is to not only get 100% correct, but to do this is a shorter time. As you can see we have plenty to work on, but rest assured that a recent visitor to Hargreaves class was amazed to see how excited the children were about a "maths test" and she commented on how focused they all were and I can also state they love getting their scores at the end and seeing if they have indeed achieved a personal best.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
The Ice Beauty
At the back of school we have an area called Pam's Patch. This is a quiet and peaceful area was design with an African theme. It is a memorial to Pam Brenton, a much loved and missed member of staff, who sadly did several years ago.
This winter a huge formation of icicles has been glistening there. Luke, one of our older pupils wrote the following and asked if he could publish it on the Blog. Thank you also to Mrs D'arcy, for taking the photo for Luke and letting him use it here.
Ice can be dangerous, but ice can be a beauty, so very like,
All ice has beauty, but this ice has changed so much it is untrue.
It melts so quickly, it is lucky to be able to see it.
Like I said every piece of ice has its own beauty.
by Luke H
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Bug Club Easter Challenge

Over Easter we set a whole school Bug Club challenge: Each year group has been asked to complete on online maths game and to read a minimum number of books, reflecting the average length of books for their year group.
Nursery and Reception - 5 books
Years 1 and 2 - 5 books
Years 3 and 4 - 3 books
Years 5 and 6 - 1 book
Sadly for us Pearson, the publisher, has had a few problems to solve which have taken loner than expected. This means if you try to log into your account you will be met with a holding page.
Please keep checking back for updates and in the meantime enjoy the rest of the Easter Holidays.
FairTrade Collage
Thank you to all the Year One family and friends who provided us with the wrappers to make this fantastic collage. The children worked together on it during one of our shared sessions.
They were responsible for the design and layout and were ably assisted in the sticking by Lucy, a Chauncy student, who was spending the week in school on work experience.
The finished art work was given to Rosie Watson to be displayed as part of the fairtrade display in the Library.
Year 3 and 4 RE
During this term Year 3 and 4 have been exploring a programme of study
entitled, ‘Why do some people think that Jesus is inspirational?’
We began our study by thinking about people we consider to be inspiring -
this ranged from authors to sports people to mums and dads.
We then considered how Jesus is an inspirational figure. We thought about Jesus as an engaging teacher
by the parables he told, as well as having the confidence to spread his message
and values to large crowds, especially the Sermon on the Mount. We have also thought about Jesus as an
inspiration to those in need with his healing and the wonder of his
miracles. His life story we have also
considered inspiring, especially the events of Holy week.
On Wednesday 20th March we also had Revd Hookway in to talk to us about
how Jesus is a very inspiring figure in his life and how he has been and still
is a powerful guide. The children really
enjoyed the talk as well as having time to ask further questions. We would like to thank Revd Hookway for
coming to talk to us at this busy time of year and responding to a range of
thought provoking questions.
Here is a picture of our Learning Journey display and a picture from our
talk - to follow
Look out for our stained glass window/cross designs in school early next
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Easter in Keystage 1
How did you celebrate Easter?
In Key stage One we spent the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday learning more about the Easter Story. We read parts of the story, we watched some parts in The Miracle Maker film, we wrote about the story, we played instruments, we made palm leaves that were displayed in church, we learnt about The last Supper and thought about how Jesus might have felt during this meal and the days that followed. We thought about how Judas, Peter and Jesus felt that evening.
We made colour collages to represent some of the feelings that might have been experienced at the Last Supper. |
We also attended the School Church Service and three children, read prayers that had been written as a group and we joined in the songs and played dingbats with John, our Vicar.
Can you see the cross in the grass? |
Some of us made cards or Easter baskets and took part in an Egg hunt. We hope you had a joyous Easter and enjoyed the celebration with your families.
Egg hunt - we had to find three eggs with were different to each other. |
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