Sunday 26 January 2014

Number day in KS1

Hargreaves, Butterworth and Potter enjoyed number day. Many problems were solved, number posters made using our own "data" and games played. Here is a taste...

A great number outfit

Traditional marble game

Addition factory

Number collage


Large snakes and ladders

Child initiated activity

Colour suduko

Maths Bingo

Filling a matchbox....

...taking the items out of the matchbox....

...counting the items from the matchbox.
We had a great day, used lots of maths skills and hope to do it again next year!


  1. Although I spent a wonderful Number Day with Year 6, what I pity I couldn't cut myself in half and spend time in KS1, taking part in all the magical maths that went on during your Number Day. Fantastic pictures!

    1. You are more than welcome to join us any time Mrs Adams, we always enjoy your visits.
