Friday 11 January 2019

Author visit - Vashti Hardy

Today, we were very excited to have the author Vashti Hardy come to our school. All children, from Year 1-6, attended her author talk, where she told us what had inspired her to write, introduced us to facts about some real life explorers and showed us a video clip of  Bear Grylls escaping from quicksand.

In her book "Brightstorm", two of the main characters are twins. You can see them in the corner of the front cover. Murphy class and Vashti, thought our twins looked very similar to her characters.

Throughout the rest of the day, the children in Years 5 and 6, undertook workshops, made their own maps to inspire their writing and even got to dress up.

It was a great day and we ended it with many children coming into the library to get their copies of the books signed and meet Vashti in person. She welcomed then to the crew and encouraged them to seek out adventure through reading.

She has a new book coming out later this year and Brightstorm is in our school library.