Wednesday 3 April 2013

Bug Club Easter Challenge

As you know, the children at Christ Church enjoy using Bug Club. This is our online system that can be accessed at home or in the classroom. It is where children get the chance  to read e-books, take part in the comprehension activities and gain virtual rewards for their own area of Bug Club. There is also a small maths section to the site, with games that can be played to help consolidate learning.
Over Easter we set a whole school Bug Club challenge: Each year group has been asked to complete on online maths game and to read a minimum number of books, reflecting the average length of books for their year group. 
Nursery and Reception - 5 books
Years 1 and 2 - 5 books
Years 3 and 4 - 3 books
Years 5 and 6 - 1 book
Sadly for us Pearson, the publisher, has had a few problems to solve which have taken loner than expected. This means if you try to log into your account you will be met with a holding page.
Please keep checking back for updates and in the meantime enjoy the rest of the Easter Holidays.

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